I have a personal testimony I want to share today; Sharing the gospel brings so many blessings into your life, as well as those you share it with! When I was first baptized, I was talking to everyone that crossed my path about the gospel, telling them everything I knew, trying to be an example of the believers. As I continue on my conversion journey, I gain a better understanding of how important it is to share the gospel, and do what I can to build up Gods Kingdom.
I started using the internet as a way I can share the gospel. I have liked almost every LDS friendly page that has came across facebook, sharing statuses and pictures I love that cause me to feel the spirit. I recently had a prayer answered through facebook, via an LDS page. I believe that the Lord has given us these things to help the work move along, and this is why:
About a month ago, a person interested in the church had posted on one of these pages about how she loved the kind and loving words she was reading, and how they uplifted her spirit. She wanted to know more about the church, but didn't know where to begin. A bunch of people began to comment bearing their testimony of the church, but no one was offering up advice on how she can come to learn more! Automatically, I responded with a link to Mormon.org, explaining she can request the missionaries come visit her, or she can even chat with one live. I then told her that this is what I did, and that I didn't regret a single second of my experience of investigating the church, and that I came to know it was true and was thankful for the resources we have to share the gospel. Almost immediately, she sent me a private message and began to ask me a few questions about the gospel. Then she told me her story.
Josephine was born and raised in the Catholic church, and all through out her life she was feeling as if there was a huge missing piece to her puzzle. One day, when experiencing some serious hardship, she came home to find a tattered and beaten up Book of Mormon on her door step. She did not know where it came from or who put it there, but she picked it up, and read it! The spirit immediately testified to her it was true, but it was so different than what she grew up with. Not knowing what to do about the spirit she felt, she made sure that she cherished the book, and even kept it close to her side.
I have been in constant communication with Josephine, answering all her questions, and she has finally worked up the courage to talk to the missionaries! Finding her and becoming her friend has been such a blessing. I feel like a missionary when we talk. She has Christ in her countenance, and her testimony is so beautiful. I am watching her grow, and seeing first hand, how the gospel really does change lives and bless them immeasurably! I cant begin to describe the strong spirit I feel when I have shared the gospel with her, and other people. It has blessed me so much, and I know that this is the Lord's work!
This experience has pushed me to keep sharing the gospel. It has kept me commited to updating my blog, and sharing it on all those pages and groups, doing what I can to spread the word and share my testimony of this gospel. Our late Prophet, Spencer W Kimbell once said, "I feel the Lord has placed, in a very natural way within our circles of friends and acquaintances, many persons who are ready to enter into his Church. We ask that you prayerfully identify those persons and then ask the Lord’s assistance in helping you introduce them to the gospel". When I heard this quote for the first time, I really felt the spirit move me to make a bigger effort to spread the good news. I know for a fact that this is true, and the Lord has prepared someone, or even many people, for us to find and bring unto his fold. We don't need to be set apart as missionaries and wearing a name tag to prayerfully identify the elect and share the gospel. If the gospel makes us happy, why wouldn't we want to share this happiness with others? If we are doing the Lords errand, we are promised his help, so what is there to loose?!
I love the scripture in D&C 18:15-16 that states:
“And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
“And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!”
Sharing the gospel brings you so much peace and many blessings, and the people we share the gospel with can come to know their savior, and that is the ultimate blessing. I know that the missionaries who have shared the good news of the restored gospel with me have changed and blessed my life innumerably. When I was baptized, I made a commitment to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, and part of this baptismal covenant I made, was to share the promised blessings I have been given with everyone.
This gospel has really changed my life, and I know that if you ask God if the Book of Mormon is true, with a open and sincere heart, with faith in His son Jesus Christ, the truth of it will be made manifest unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. I know this, because I kneeled to pray, and I asked God the Father if this was true, and He told me it was. I feel its truth every day, I feel its grace every moment of my life. I know its real. I know my redeemer lives, and I pray that everyone can come to truly know their savior like I have. I challenge everyone to share the gospel with someone this week. Give a pass along card to a neighbor, invite someone to church, give a friend the Book of Mormon. This is our job as members of the church, and if we love and live the gospel, we will be a bright light to those who are in search of the truth!
here are some links to share with a friend, or even in a facebook status to help share this glorious gospel!!
www.mormonconvertstestify.org << My conversion story and testimony are published on this website!
here are some links to share with a friend, or even in a facebook status to help share this glorious gospel!!
www.mormonconvertstestify.org << My conversion story and testimony are published on this website!